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APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group

Sustainability of marine environment and involvement of the private sector have been the major policies in APEC. In response to these policies and promoting the concept of marine resource conservation, this project obtained the designated results as follows: (1) Editing and publishing two issues of APEC Bulleting on Marine Resource Conservation and establishment of a web on the activities of marine resource conservation initiated by APEC and other international organizations; (2) Participation in the 18th Meeting of APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group and Workshop on Aquaculture; (3) Organization of APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in the Sustainability of the Marine Environment; and (4) Implements of the project 「Assessment of Environmental Capacity and Development of Risk Assessment Methodologies and Guidelines for Use in Sustainable Marine Aquaculture in APEC Region」
APEC, marine resource conservation, sustainable development, private sector